'I wouldn't be without CurraNZ with my heavy physical workload as a gardener'

'I wouldn't be without CurraNZ with my heavy physical workload as a gardener'

THIS month's customer prize winner, Margaret Healy (above), is a professional gardener in her 70s who regards CurraNZ as an essential daily supplement to help her cope with muscle soreness and fatigue that goes in hand with her job.

Plus, she believes it helped her recovery from a nasty dog bite to the face, too.

She writes: 

"I’m a 73-year-old professional gardener on a small lifestyle block, working 15-to-20 hour a week. I have really come to rely on CurraNZ.

I help grow peonies for sale in New Zealand and export, during the season, which require picking, grading and packing, with 100 flowers in a box. It is also up to me to bring them in and out of the cool store, which is quite heavy work. With only a small window to the season, I sometimes work 12-hour days over this period of six weeks. I find if I take two Curranz a day this enables me to get through the work.

When I am not spraying or fertilizing the peonies, I tendi to a large vegetable garden, strawberry garden, grape house, herb garden, a variety of flower gardens, a small woodland, plus a chamomile lawn and a small orchard which needs pruning, spraying and the fruit picking in summer.

I have been taking Curranz for two years after my daughter suggested I try it for my fatigue.

I have found Curranz really helps my muscle recovery, especially after rotary-hoeing and turning the garden over with manures. Taking it I feel fit and able for the work-load.

'I healed very quickly after being bitten by a dog and think CurraNZ helped'

Recently I was bitten by a dog in the face and it was a testament to my health and the anti-inflammatory properties and general recovery powers of CurraNZ that after seven days and hospital attention, I have healed. Thankfully I was fortunate to receive some extraordinary care from Hutt Hospital’s Plastic Surgery Department and there is very little trace of the bad bite.

I try not to run out of CurraNZ as without it, I don't feel as able to cope with the work and my muscles tend to be sore and I can feel a little flat.  

Curranz has been a great discovery, I certainly notice the exercise recovery and immune boost and frankly I would not be without it."